Course Description
1. Fundamentals of IPR licensing by Ms. Margherita Marini, WIPO
2. Licensing of Semi-conductor technologyby Mr R Saha, Senior Advisor, Confederation of Indian Industry
3. Licensing agreements essential elements and other topics by Mr John Augustyn Shareholder, Leydig, Voit & Mayer, Ltd
4. Case Study Discussion by Mr John Augustyn Shareholder, Leydig, Voit & Mayer, Ltd
5. Licensing of IPR from publicly funded institutions by Dr Magesh Nandagopal Head, Technology Management Group National Chemicals Lab (NCL), Pune; Dr Sadhana Srivastava, Scientist-F, IPR Unit, Indian Council of Medical Research; and Dr Dara Ajay, Head, Value IPR Training on IP Licensing, Valuation & Others Technology Transfer-IPM-Cell, IIT Madras
6. Licensing requirements (compliance) as per Indian IPR laws by Mr R Saha, Senior Advisor, Confederation of Indian Industry