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The September edition of the CII Policy Watch captures the suggestions made for the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) sector which contributes significantly to output and employment as well as exports. Reinvigorating the sector across the country would foster faster economic revival at a time when we must protect lives as well as safeguard livelihoods.
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Every business has location data about its customers, suppliers, distributors, facilities, etc. The assets – whether they are fixed or mobile – all have a location attached to it. The most competitive organizations understand that location data provides unique insights, revealing hidden relationships, patterns, and trends that drive stronger decision-making. GeoSpatial analytics help these organizations to gain the ability to foresee where market opportunities and threats may develop. It combines live data trends with past patterns to realize growth and efficiency and mitigate risk. It provides powerful decision-making tools for business and allows analysis of demographic and topographic data. Location intelligence helps organisations, make informed decisions and improve functional performance. Please note that the session will be followed by Q&A and discussion with subject matter experts from Esri India. Attend this webinar to discover the value of location technology in Business Continuity Planning & Recovery Customer Analytics to assess untapped potential and cross sell opportunities Sales Analytics Site selection Supply Chain management WHO SHOULD ATTEND: Head Strategy, Head Supply Chain, Head Logistics, Head Operations, Head Sales , Chief innovation officer, GM IT, CIO, VP –IT, CTO, Chief Digital Officer, Head Analytics and BI, IT Head Applications, Head Strategy (Biz and Digital), GM Innovation, VP Digital from Manufacturing and Logistics organisations.
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The spread of COVID-19 virus is posing an unprecedented challenge for the world. We hope you, your family and everyone at your organisation are safe and taking care. At CII, our priority has been on safeguarding the health and well-being of our people and our members, while ensuring we continue to work effectively with and for you. As Organisations are being impacted on various issues impacting all their stakeholders with business models changing, there is a need to understand the ecosystem, Business models, need for performance today and transformation tomorrow. The Session will be led by our Counsellor who has been driving this initiative since the last 3 decades in the Indian Industry. The agenda of the Webinar and the registration link are appended. We request you to join these high level Webinar to get a deeper understanding of various pertinent and contemporary topics on Purpose, Vision, Strategy, Culture, Stakeholder understanding, Risks, Circular economy, Importance of Governance etc. that is encapsulated as part of the Excellence Framework. KEY TAKEAWAYS The Contemporary Excellence Framework Characteristics of a Hi performing Organisation Stakeholder Focus Performance and Transformation Process and result maturity Examples of select Organisations with the above characteristics
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CII organizes knowledge dissemination sessions under its initiative the Industry Insight Series. Under this series, Industry experts hold webinars on key issues and developments affecting businesses and offer insights on how they can be addressed. Intech Additive Solutions Pvt. Ltd was established in 2012. It is one of the earliest entrants in the metal additive manufacturing space in India. This accomplishment has been recognised by the ‘Wohlers Report-2015’ which notes Intech as being one of the first service providers of Metal 3D Printing in India. Intech is the first and only Indian company to design, develop and manufacture a Metal 3D Printer. Intech’s iFusion range of Metal 3D printers come bundled with AMBuilder, Intech’s build preparation software. Besides, users can also opt for AMOptoMet, Intech’s parameter optimization software. The combination of the two software packages, along with Intech’s metal 3D printers, provides users with an end-to-end solution for all their additive manufacturing needs. On the services front, Intech provides complete solutions - from concept design to fully functional production parts - for various industries such as Aerospace, Automotive, General Engineering and the Medical Market segments in India and abroad. In this webinar we will cover: • What is Additive Manufacturing? Different types of Metal 3D Printer technologies. • Industry trends of Metal 3D Printing. • Various industry applications of Metal 3D Printing. • Future of Metal 3D Printing in India. • Design for Additive Manufacturing (DfAM)/ General Eengineering case study. • Defence, Aerospace, Automotive & ToolnDie case studies. • Introduction to India’s first powder bed fusion Metal 3D Printer – iFusion SF1 & features, technical highlights with details of AMOptoMet. • Q&A
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Rebooting Textile & Apparel Cluster - Tapping Opportunities through Technology Adoption, Supplier Development and Sustainability The Textile & Apparel sector is facing its biggest unprecedented challenge due to Covid-19. With the lockdown getting lifted, the industry is opening up and operations are picking up gradually. However, the sector is facing a slew of challenges after weeks of lockdown and needs to tide over these challenges to revive from the current recession. This knowledge paper explores the themes including global textile and apparel market, Indian textile and apparel industry overview, impact of Covid 19 on the industry, rebooting the textile and apparel sector.
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Confederation of Indian Industry is organizing Industry-Academia Connect: "Empowering Students and faculty to be Industry Ready " to enhance the job prospects with real world experience and also by offering several flexible modules, suitable for students and working professionals in all disciplines and levels. This program comprises of various online courses (each comprises of 6 modules) which will help participants to get certifications from CII in collaboration with the most Renowned Universities /Institutes while working; have the advantage of flexible leanings imparted through this program. Design of the program: 6 Topics will be covered in two days (Each digital module will be for an approximate duration of 60 minutes followed by Q&A) Day 1: Three Modules each day Topic 1. Efficiency Calculation and improvement Topic 2. Understanding Quality & the Customer need. Topic 3. 5 S and Visual Management Day 2: Three Modules each day Topic 4. Total Production Maintenance - an awareness Topic 5. Productivity Improvement Tools used in the industry Topic 6. Personality Development
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5S is considered as the Foundation of Improvement Activities and its purpose is to involve the workforce in creating a safe, hygienic, satisfying and pleasant work environment. The 5S pillars are Sort (Seiri), Set in Order (Seiton), Shine (Seiso), Standardize (Seiketsu), and Sustain (Shitsuke). Who should attend: College Students, Teachers, College Deans, Industry Heads, Managers, Supervisors& Any Individuals. Key Takeaways: Understanding of 5s, Understanding Importance of 5s, Understanding each S of 5s, Why 5s is required, How to Implement in institutions & Industries & How to develop Habits & Culture to Implement 5s. Course Duration: 1 Hour
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See What Your Customers See: Delivering Remarkable CX with Co-Browse
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00:00:00.000000 Hours
Tips Tricks on Remote Working - How to maximize your online meetings!
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